Double doors make a grand first impression. Whether entering or leaving your home, double entry doors add style, space and character. On balconies and patios, they add natural light and space, connecting your home with the outdoors. With custom built options in four door types, Neuffer can design a bespoke solution for both entrances and balconies to match your facade and personal taste. 

Choosing an Opening Style for Double Patio Doors

Today, many patio doors feature a tilt and turn mechanism. Like standard casement windows, they can be swung open by turning the handle 90 degrees. Alternatively, they can be tilted for ventilation with a 180 degree turn of the handle. We can also produce double doors that open outwards to meet your local and personal preference. 

Glazing wise, clear glass is standard while those seeking a degree of privacy may also opt for frosted glass for example. 

If you're looking for double doors, several mechanisms are available including:

  • Tilt and turn (French doors)
  • Tilt and slide 
  • Bifold (folding)
  • Lift and slide 

All doors feature large glazed surfaces which are offered in double and triple glazing as well as with additional security, noise reduction and privacy options. 

Tilt and Turn, aka French Doors

Double tilt and turn doors are frequently used on balconies. The required width is more flexible than other options such as sliding doors and both inswing and outswing doors are available. Additionally, it is possible to build double doors which both tilt, instead of just the main one. Further options including muntins and transoms can also be added and are often still less expensive than a comparable sliding door.

Lift and Slide Double Patio Doors

With a turn of the handle, lift and slide doors are lifted off the lower frame and can be effortlessly slid open and closed. On top of being easy to operate, they also allow barrier free installation. This reduces the risk of tripping, whether for kids or the elderly, or simply in areas that see a lot of foot traffic (such as the the garden).

Moreover, the door can be "dropped" and closed in any position, for example slightly open for ventilation. With the full sash weight pushing downwards (up to several hundred kilograms at times), it is extremely difficult to move and thus safe to leave open.

The Tilt and Slide Option

Tilt and slide doors are unique, combining a new sliding style with the tilt functionality of European windows. The sash slides free of the frame on rails, making it easier than traditional sliders and improving the seal. In contrast with lift and slide doors, it does require one half to be fixed which makes it less well suited for small spaces. 

The tilt function allows safe and easy ventilation and the opening mechanism ensures no wear on the seals, improving insulation and reducing long term upkeep. It cannot, however, be installed barrier-free due to the sliding style. 

Bifold Doors - Saving Space efficiently

Standard bi-fold models can also be installed as double patio doors. When constructed this way, the two hinged panels fold and slide away, either both to one side or each one to its respective side. 

Folding doors can be used to create large openings without a centre mullion or obtrusive inswing or outswing leafs that take up additional space. As a final advantage, they can be installed barrier-free.

Choosing a Frame Material

Once you've decided on the opening style, the next important choice is that of material. uPVC, timber and aluminium clad versions all feature a unique combination of aesthetic, insulation, security and durability properties.

Whatever your budget, even the most affordable materials can be upgraded with additional fittings and insulating features if required which can bring them to the same level as other models.

Aluminium cladding will boost the durability, security and looks of timber and uPVC frames.

Natural wood boasts great insulation and strength right out of the door without additional reinforcement, foam or internal chambers. It provides a warm, authentic and natural look for any home while requiring a bit more upkeep than synthetic materials like uPVC. Aluminium cladding represents the best of both worlds. For those on a stricter budget, aluclad uPVC provides solid security, insulation and aesthetics at a great price.

For the ultimate bespoke solution and unparalleled aesthetics, aluclad timber frames are second to none. They feature a sleek modern look outside and robust weather resistance. This adds up to minimal upkeep over the years and the same cosy look of wood indoors. As with windows, there are a wide range of further options that can be fitted to reach the thermal insulation, sound reduction and security needs of your project. 

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